2015년 4월 10일 금요일

THE FINAL DAY OF EXHIBITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, today was the day which was the final day of the exhibition, and most of the parents came visit Branksome Hall Asia to see us presenting. Everyone were waiting with full of expectations and we went to the library to present our shadow dance video and us singing 'Read all about it'. Then, each of us said our own question about our topic and head off to the library. Because we were in second row, we rest for twenty minutes and went back to our area. With nervous feeling, we set up the area for 10 minutes and  we began. I was the person who began so it was such an awkward to me. My greeting voice echoed around the area 4 and I gave the microphone to Tianruo so she could continue the news. The news flowed naturally and we finished it after the question time. Then, we had the browse time which we have little concert. KIS boys and girls came and got their seat for the concert and everybody did. Everyone presented their music pieces and at last we presented our music piece on live. I think we did pretty bad because we didn't even get the beat right. After the browse time, everyone began our korean presentation. We not to tried make the left over time so we tried to say really slow, but fortunately Tianruo did her presentation really well and long so we completely ended up our exhibition. But! For the third graders, we performed our english presentation again. We did more fluently on the second time and we had left over candies so we gave the people who were corrected on the question time. Finally, we let down the curtain of the exhibition........

Under the communication skill, I shared my ideas and learning with others in a clear, easy to understand and appropriate manner. 

2015년 4월 9일 목요일

1day left for the DUE DAY!!!!!

Today was the day that was one day left for the exhibition due day and it was also grade 5 exhibition day so we went to the library to watch them. We got the sheet which we can write feedback for grade 5 and we wrote them responsibly. We could feel their nervous while we were listening to their presentation so we gave big smiles and huge applause for them. We learned lots of things such as the things that get most attention so we could improve by watching their presentation. After watching the grade 5 presentation, we went back to our classroom and worked on our presentation again. After the lunch, we went straight to the library and continued on working. We printed our our essays and put on the book prop so people could see them. We also made dance routine for our art project because Mr.Scarrott  suggested it and we thought it was really cool. We watched our shadow dance video which it will be shown while we are singing 'read all about it' and it was gorgeous.

Under the self-mangement skills, even though I was stressed and nervous about the exhibition, I respect my body and mind. And, I made sure that I am balanced.

2015년 4월 8일 수요일

Exhibition rehearsal!

The part of the script
Today, we went library early and rehearsed front of the 7 graders and 5 grader. We did both presentations of the mother tongue and english. Mr.Scarrott made sure that we filmed us presenting so by watching the video after, we could know how did we do. We were so nervous that we couldn't even stay calm. Because we were second shot, we ate snacks and wait our turn to present. We tried to present nice and clear with loud voice, but it was really difficult because there were lots of noises around and we were so nervous.Bravely, we started our presentation. We sang the music project that we wrote and we showed the art project by putting front of the desk that we use. At first, grade 5 and some teachers watched our presentation so we weren't that embraced, but as grade 7 came we went so embraced and nervous so we couldn't even concrete. When we were finished, 5 minutes were left over, so we were frustrated, but we just introduce our process and our display things. On our korean presentation, we had only one audience which was Felisha, so we did calmly. After we finished the whole presentation, we went back to the classroom and saw the reflection of different graders. Also, we wrote what was difficult and other informations about presentation.

Under the social skills, I listen to everyone's opinion when making a group decision and I accept that the group decision may not be the one I wanted. Also, I understand that groups need to stick to collective decision to work well.

2015년 4월 7일 화요일


The place that we present in the library
Today, we worked most of the time for our presentation. First, we completely finished the display board and then we went straight to the library to prepare. We went to the place where we will present and divided the place with the animal welfare group who is sharing the place with us. We decided where to put the display board, poster and other things such as desks and television. We putted speakers and logos and lots of stuffs that would help us presenting. We rehearsed lots of times and saw such a wonderful jobs of other groups. After the recess, we went to the language class. In the language class, we presented our korean presentation and we watched the time by stopwatch. Time was successful. After the language, we went back to the library and practiced all together the presentation with technology. Also, we combined the korean and Chinese presentation to see does is there enough time for present. Actually, it was shorter than we thought so we decided to add some more details on the script.

Under the self-management skills, I made sure I have the things I need to work or play all the time. Also, I knew where my stuff is, I kept things tidy and easy to find quickly.

2015년 4월 6일 월요일

Assembly, display board and others

Our group working on exhibition
Today, we tried to finish the display board so we worked really hard on it, but before we worked on it, we went to the PAC to practice the assembly. We learned how to come up to the stage and how to come down and we rehearsed our short presentation for assembly. After the practice, we went back to our classroom and we continued working our display board. We printed the images of key concepts, our group photos and lots of other things. Also, Tianruo made barcodes for our blogs so audience could scan the barcodes and access to our blog easily. We decorated the display board to look it nicely and we tried to make it colourful so it can take people's attention.
In the music period, we practiced the song for the due day and we made the paragraph to include it on the script. 
In the languages period, two groups presented their korean presentation and they tried to make 15 minutes for the presentation. They were so good and specific.
At assembly, each of the exhibition groups presented their short presentation at the PAC. All of us were really nervous, but everyone did really great. Some groups including our group, presented the music project. For us, we sang the song 'My little story' which we changed the lyrics of the song named 'The show'. We did our best for it.

Under the social skills, I thought before I do something and I accept the consequences of things that I say or do to prevent the conflicts. I asked everyones opinion and accepted responsibilities. 

2015년 4월 5일 일요일

Finishing the action, preparing for the presentation and other

On the April 3rd, everyone finished the action for our exhibition. The actions that we finished were giving the result of the petition to Ms.Tilney who is charge of the junior school and finished the video about the action that we took. We gave her our result of the petition while we were having meeting with Ms.Tilney and we thanked her for the meeting. For the video, we filmed some parts and Tianruo who is good at editing the video, edited. And, she also uploaded on the youtube. For the presentation, first, we designed the display board to make it look nice and we put the poster, bull eye and the plan of the presentation. Also, we sticked the tittle of them on the display board. On the languages period, we made the scrip of the korean presentation. Every group except us presented their korean presentation scrip. Because we had the mentor meeting, we didn't presented our korean scrip.

Under the self-managment skills, while we were uploading the video on the youtube, we knew where we were in relation to others and the world around us. So, even though outside of the Branksome Hall Asia could watch the video.

2015년 4월 2일 목요일

Visual art, prepare for presentation and others

Today, we went to the visual art with rocks that we picked under the bridge and the plan of the project. In the class, we coloured the rock half pink and blue to represent girls and boys and we also swiped with watered brush to make it more smooth. Eventually, we finished painting all over the rock and we dried with hair-dryer. Then, we drew the mark that means girls and boys with white washable crayon and we finally finished the work. 
In the languages class, we talked what will we put on the script so we added some more to the script and we knew the things that we have to put.
In the PYPX class, Ms.Ghegin showed when will we present and where will we present and we fixed the script.

Under the social skill, when we were making the art project, we thought about how we can work well with others so that we all reach our goals and we didn't try and take over or make decisions for others

2015년 4월 1일 수요일

Take an action and preparing for presentation and other

The part of the list of students who agree
Today, we prepared for the presentation by writing the scrip of the presentation. We finished and checked is it same as we planned. Also, we tried our best to get same mount of script and we printed out the final script. Then, we continued to take actions which was petitioning to the grade 1,2,3 and 4 because they don't check email easily so we decided to petition face to face. We petition as many as we can, but Yoona accidentally petitioned grade 6 and I accidentally didn't write the grade of the students that I petitioned so Yoona's couldn't work, but fortunately, I remembered some of their grades so we wrote them, too. For the video, we took a first short introduce video that Yoona and I were in. In the next part of the 
The part of the video that we took
video, we decided Tianruo and Yejin will be in the video. Also, we discussed about what will be in the video and what will be put in the video.
In the music period, we showed our project to Ms.Lau and she complemented us with advices. She said if we do solo parts it will be much better so we decided to divide the lyrics and sing their parts. We highlighted with different colour so we could know more easily where our own parts are.
Under the social skills, I listened to everyone's opinion when we decided who will be in the video and I accept that the group decision may not be the on e I wanted. Also, I understood that groups need to stick to their collective decision to work well. 

2015년 3월 31일 화요일

Preparing for the presentation, Action and others

The padlet about the thing that helps presentation
Today, we printed out the three photos of the places that we wanted to present our exhibition. Then, we met Mr.Z for the technology and we explained where would we going to put the technologies in the place. After this, we watched videos of presenting to look the best way to present and we wrote the things that helps when we present in the padlet with our group. After writing on the padlet, we played um and ah game. It was the game which we have to talk about the random topic with no um and ah or 5 seconds break. It was really fun and helped us to talk clearly.
The part of the scrip
In languages class, we heard other's essay presentation and we scored them. Their essays were great and easy to understand the message of the essay.
Also, we had a bonus time for visual art and we got materials for our project from Mr.Hammond. We continued our art project by testing and assembling.
Next PYPX class, Tianruo, Yoona and me made a script for the presentation and Yejin sent petition emails to grade 5 and 6. We tried to wrote the scrip funny so the audience wouldn't be boring when they watch our news presentation.  

Under the communication skills,when we were explaining our materials that we need to the Mr.Z I used body language to communicate with others all the time. Also I was careful not to use offensive body language. 

2015년 3월 30일 월요일

Music project, exhibition station plan and others

The exhibition station plan

Today, my group wrote the exhibition station plan specifically in the booklet. Eventually, we decided to present our exhibition project by news, display board and PPT. Also, we wrote the materials that we need for presentation such as television and microphone which is for pretend. We drew how our presentation would look like and we wrote the information what will we show in PPT, news and display board. After planning, we made a poster for short and we head off to the languages class. In languages class, we present our korean essay and the people in the front scored. I was really nervous when I was presenting, but I did my best. Next PYP class, we continuing taking actions. We went to the math room 
The example of the photo
and decided our role. Tianruo edited the action plan, Yejin and Yoona sent an email of the permission of petition and I made a google form to send student of grade 5 and 6. After taking action, we went to the music class and presented our song live by singing. Even though it was little awkward and we were really embarrass, we tried to sing it best.
We heard lots of excellent musics that other wrote and it was awesome. Next, we went to the library to photo the place where we want to present our exhibition project. We took lots of photos with ipad and we chose the best three places that we photoed. Then, we put them on the google document and shared with our group.

Under the social skills, I accepted that everyone has their own ideas and beliefs and I listen to them carefully and try to understand.

2015년 3월 29일 일요일

Checked essay by peer, Criteria and others

On March 27th, we have checked by our peers and my peer was Daeun. She checked my essay and I checked her essay by checking the checklist of persuasive essay. We checked the list and we gave suggestions of the essay. When I was finished with Daeun, I checked Inhye's persuasive essay and I corrected her grammer mistakes. After checking the essays, we watched the video that shows teamworks of ants, penguins and crabs. Next, we decided the criteria for a successful exhibition station by getting into groups and wrote the best two ideas for criteria in the padlet. I was group with Hannah, Yoona and Yejin and our best two idea for criteria were poster and the issue and problem. After the PYPX, we went to the language class and continued writing our essay and powerpoint for presentation.

Under the communication skills, while I was explaining the better way to fix the essay to Daeun and Inhye, I talked clearly and respectfully to other people. Also, I talked easy to understand and use language my friend are able to  understand. 

2015년 3월 26일 목요일

Actions planning, Search model and others

The search model
Today, we finished the search model by finishing 'review', 'choice' and 'how'. In review, we wrote possible way and negative way for each actions. Then, we chose an action and wrote it down on to choice. At last, we wrote something similar to the action and is it successful on how. After the search model, we planned our action specifically and we decided to do a petition around BHA. Also, we decided to take a video of it and post it on youtube. We decided to take a video of why are we petitioning, the result of petition and etc. Then, we got checked by Ms.Ghegin after we fixed everything that she told us to fix. 
In languages class, we typed the essay that we wrote about exhibition and we made a powerpoint for presentation. Also, some tried to memorise their essay because when we present the essay about exhibition, we can't look at the notebook which has our essay.
In visual art, we decided to change the location of the project because Mr.Hammond told us it's only our weakness and we have to change it.
Last pypx period, we went to easy-bib and typed every single research URL in and search about it. Under the social skills, we decided to do different hobs in the group each time. We decided such as petition maker, petitioner and person who take video.

2015년 3월 25일 수요일

Meeting with Ms.Tilney, Music project and others

Today, we had meeting with Ms.Tilney at 9:00 AM in her office. Because she was busy with her meeting, we waited couple minutes and we met her. In the meeting, we  told her what we have done such as brainstorm possible modes of expression and essay and she asked us are we on the right track so we answered brightly "Yes!". Also, she asked lots of questions about the exhibition and she gave us the example of the action that we could take, too. When we came back to our class, we watched a video named 'follow the frog' which was about the guy taking actions without thinking to save rainforest. As a result, he loose his job and family so this video tells us never take actions before we think it's a worth thing and also ask why. Then we wrote direct actions, indirect actions and advocacy for gender inequality in big poster and we gave suggestions for other group after we read their poster. When we were finished, we worked on our essays and Ms.Ghegin checked our essays one by one. Most of us were working really hard because we had to finish them until friday. After writing the essay, we chose the actions that we will going to take and they were 'make some interesting posters of gender inequality', make a video of gender inequality' and 'petition related to gender inequality. In music class, we recorded the music that we sang with 'the show karaoke'. We changed the lyrics of the song which presents the little girl experiencing gender inequality. 

Under the self-management skill, I used my time sensibly, so that I get my work done on time. I think about what it is important for me to do first and spend the most time on it.

2015년 3월 24일 화요일

The brainstorm possible modes of expressions, informative essay and others

The Molly the horse
Today, we learned about the actions which were direct action, indirect action, advocacy and research for action. We talked about each actions and we give examples of them. Then, we watched the videos, drew a bull eye again and we wrote 'what, why, solution and how' specifically. Also, we wrote what action did people do in the action. My video was about the horse which had three legs because it was attacked by a pit bull and the action that it's owner taken was direct action. 
The brainstorm possible modes of
After the bull eye activity, we brainstormed possible modes of expression on individually and together. First one, I wrote by myself and it was about making some interesting posters of gender inequality so people could know seriously. Second one, I finished with Yejin, Yoona and Tianruo and it was about explaining  to adults so they won't do the gender inequality to their family. Third one was about deserving same rights and opportunities to genders by demonstrating to the government. Excepting the first one, the others were direct actions and the first one was indirect action. After lunch, we learn about transitions and we wrote about the favourite sport using transition skills. When we were finished, we wrote reflections of our responses of questions. Then, Ms.Ghegin checked our reflections and we continued writing our essays.

Under the self-management skills, while I was brainstorming possible modes of expressions, I made decisions by thinking about the advantages and consequences.

2015년 3월 23일 월요일

Finish responding for questions, search model and others

The bull eye that we wrote
Today, we made bull eyes and wrote about our topic, gender inequality. We wrote lots of information involving our researches to get some ideas. We wrote them specifically so it was really hard. After the bull eye activity, we wrote the problem of the gender inequality on the search model's 'S' and then we wrote how do we feel on 'E'.
In the next PYPx class, we finished writing our response for each of our questions by checking by other group. I checked Inhye's responses and she checked my responses. Then, we talked about the question again to make sure that we understand of the questions. After we finished the responses, we decided what essay we would write and we wrote the thesis statement of the essay. I chose informative essay for my essay and I started writing introduction.
In music class, we decided what will we gonna make for the art project so we decided to change a lyric's of the song named, 'The show' and make a song. It was really fun to change the lyrics of the song which is related to the gender inequality.  

Under the self-management skill, while I was making the lyrics of the song, I didn't only participated on the song and I respected my body and mind for creative song. Also, I made sure I am balanced so I could write the song more easily and emotionally.

2015년 3월 22일 일요일

Meeting with Ms.Tilney, Finish research and others

On March 20th, we finally finished our 3rd question and we started on our 'Formative assessment task'. I finished my research by finding information on the website named 'findinternational. We heard the instruction how to wrote a response for each of my question and we head off to the library to meet Ms.Tilney.
In the library, Ms.Tilney and us shared the conversation about are we doing well, what have we done and what will we gonna do. Then, she taught us how could we find the book that is related to our topic, 'Gender inequality'. We looked for glossaries, chapters, headlines and also tittles. Also, she taught us how to find book super easily so we thanked her a lot for teaching us a lot of new things. We said her good bye and went back to our class.

Under the self-management skills, I used gross motor skill by jumping, stoping, turning and use my body effectively for find lots of books quickly, but I didn't run because I can interrupt people studying in the library.
Under the self-management skills, I make decision the key word of the book and the type of book by thinking about the advantages and consequences.

2015년 3월 19일 목요일

Research questions, Art and others

The result of survey
Today, we kept researching because we have to finish the
research until this week. I went to the library to finish the
2nd question and I found a book named, 'Gender danger' which
is related to gender inequality. I also surveyed to exhibition 6VF class by asking them how do they think and feel about gender inequality. Everyone that I asked said it has to stop and it's a big problem in society.  

In the Art class, we made summited our artistic intent of visual art and we also sketched our art project, but we couldn't decide the project because there were so many ideas and argument about it.

The videos of other and myself presenting
In Mr.Lee's class, I finally record the video of the presentation. I took a video in the staircase because there were no place which was quiet enough to record. I stammered a lot so I was really nervous, but I didn't have much time so I just uploaded my first shot.

Under the thinking skills, while I was researching, I thought about the contradictions between pieces of information. Then, I chose the better information in the internet and I wrote the information under the booklet by summarising it.

2015년 3월 18일 수요일

Meeting with Ms.Tilney, sharing the research and others

Today, in the language class, we finished our Korean essay so we took a video of us presenting the essay. After the language class, we went off to Ms.Tilney's office and met Ms.Tilney. We explained her what we have done before and we showed her the researches that we have done. She complimented us and we told everything about our field trip. She told us that we could meet the 12th grade student who are going to study about the gender in the university. Also, we decided to meet at library in the meeting time so we could research by books and after we finished writhing the mentor notes, we went back to our classroom. The next PYPX class, we shared our researches and wrote the thoughts that we agree and disagree down on the big paper.
In Ms.Lau's class, we looked at the bull eye sheet that we did last time and we completed our own artistic intent for each subject which are Music and Visual art.

Under the thinking skills, I checked and understand exhibition assessment rubric to understand how I learned my best and to think about missing effort. Also, we can check how we learn best by thinking what we have done in the future.

2015년 3월 17일 화요일


The notes for interview
Today, before we go to the field trip, we met Mr.Scarrott to listen the way how to behave to others and then we went off to the field trip. It took about hour to get to the YWCA center and we were really nervous, but we bravely went into the center. When we get into the center, everyone greeted us and gave us a big smile. After the center boss saw us, she turn into a pokerface and told us she is not a expert. Fortunately, she told us where could we go for the interview and it was 'Women and family institute, Jeju'. We were allow to go there, but she had a meeting so we had to wait for half an hour. We decided to eat snacks such as ice creams and chocolates at the super market. After we ate deliciously, we went to the center and wait for the gender impact analysis assessment business center manager in the lobby. She was really kind and she gave us a lot of informations about each questions. The meeting was about 15 minutes and after the meeting we ate cold noodle for lunch.

Under the self-management skills, I knew where I am in relation to others and the world around me while I was in the interview.
Under the self-management skills, I act in a safe manner for myself and others at all time when I was outside of the school.

2015년 3월 16일 월요일

Research questions, field trip and others

The research for second question
The doc about interview questions
Today, we wrote our second question and researched about it on the website. The people who were finished with their first questions, started their second question, but people who were not finished with their first question such as our group, went to library to research more and more. Then we made our research questions for interview and we wrote in Korean and English so the people who we are going to interview can understand even though they are Korean. We involved the questions that we made for key concept. After we finished our interview questions, we called to the 'Women workforce recourses development center' and let them know the time that we are going to visit. Also, we sent them an email of the interview questions that we wrote before we call the center.
In the music class, we did bull eyes actives and got ideas for the exhibition project. It was little frustrated for the time, but everyone did nice and clear. For this actives, we could know how many different kind of ways that we could make exhibition project creatively. 

Under the thinking skills, while I was summarising the information that I found from the website, I look for the themes or big ideas in the information to summarise more specific and not to skip the important things from the informations.
Under the communication skills, I wrote how I thought about the issue, what can we use for this project and what could I make my audience feel by looking at our work.

2015년 3월 15일 일요일

Meeting with Ms.Tilney, Field trip and others

The notes of meeting
On Friday, we finally finished writhing our field trip sheet and we hand it over to Ms.Ferra. Also, we researched by watching videos from youtube and I wrote the informations of them in the booklet.
After we finished writing the sheet and researched about gender inequality,
it was time for the meeting time so we ran to school center and wrote the informations that we have to finish before the meeting. In the meeting, we took a look of lines of inquiry and we corrected the statement which we changed incorrectly the questions to statement. Also, we identify the way forward so we researched of each lines. When the meeting was over, we decided the next meeting date and time and we came back to our classroom. Next period was language so we head off to the language class and greeted Mr.Lee. That day was presenting day which means the day that we presented our doc about informations of gender inequality and the two case of gender inequality. Everyones' informations were great and specific so it made us really nervous.

Under the thinking skills, I used lots of different kinds of informations from different sources to help me to know more informations about gender inequality. 
Under the research skills, I choose the best ways to present my research in the language period and also finding to my audience.

2015년 3월 12일 목요일

Research questions, Planning field trip and others

The research about the question
Today, we researched about our questions with Ms.Ghegin.We searched in website and we got the answer of the question and wrote the information on the exhibition booklet. Also, we wrote URL of the website. 
My question was 'What is gender equality?' and I wrote the answer from the 'www.genderequality.ie.GE/Pages/WhatisGE'.
We finally decided where would we go for 'field trip and it was 'Women Recourses Development center'. We called to the center, we asked to the center that could we visit the center and ask some question about the gender inequality. They accept our request and we decided to visit them at Thursday.

The popplet of 'Andy Goldworthy'
At the art class, we sign in to the Popplet and we wrote about 'Andy Goldworthy, Soo Sunny Park and Ai Wei Wei'. Each topics, we watched video of it and we wrote what have we seen, thought and wondered about it. As an example, I wrote 'I wonder why he made them.' on Andy Goldworthy popplet and I connected with wonder box. Each of them was particular and marvellous.

Under the communicating skills, I viewed at the each video of artworks and thought about what are they trying to teach me and also I looked closely to the video so I won't skip something very important.
Under the thinking skills, I used the information of gender inequality which I find out from the internet in the research and I summarised it so I won't be confused. 

2015년 3월 11일 수요일

Meeting Ms.Tileny and Research questions and others

My note about our meeting
Today, we visited Ms.Tilney's office at 9 o'clock and she greeted us with her smile.We explain what did we learned such as Central idea and creating the key concept questions and we showed her our exhibition booklet to show her that we understood the things that we learned. Then, we reviewed our own three chosen questions and we discussed how could we change them correctly. Also, we discussed about different point of views and we learn
that the lines of inquiry is connected to central ideas and the key concepts. When our meeting was over, we decided to meet at friday again and said thank you to Ms.Tilney.

My Exhibition booklet cover
After meeting over, we came back to our classroom and Ms.Ferra checked our research questions which we fixed with Ms.Tilney correctly.Then, we wrote our group members, central idea and key concepts neatly on the cover.
Also, we had a pypx class after lunch and sadly, Ms.Ferra was sick so Ms.Ghegin taught us. The first thing we did was changing our research questions to statement. Like......
1. What gender inequality is
2.What some inequality caused between genders
3.What people think of gender inequality
Next, we wrote one question in page 22 and wrote what we already know so I wrote the first question and wrote about the informations of gender inequality. Also, we researched a little, too.
The doc that we made

At Korean class, we researched more about the gender inequality in Korean. According to Mr.Lee, we will present the doc about the gender inequality to our exhibition class.

At Music class, we learn how to make music in the garageband and the skills that Ms.Lau were super cool.

Under the thinking skills, I decided whether the information that I have found is useful for my question.
Under the research skills, I thought about what the information means for my question.

2015년 3월 10일 화요일

Creating key concept questions and Planning the field trip

Today, we got in our exhibition group first and we got an individual sheet which we have to write questions of each key concept about our 'Gender inequality'. We got out of the classroom and got ideas from checking the key concept questions that we created at the school center. After we wrote as much as we can wrote about it, we chose the best three questions and wrote them in to a bigger version of sheet. Each of them had brilliant ideas and we enjoyed to read each of them. Then, we organised our own three question into the exhibition booklet table. In my question, there was 'What caused gender to be the way like this?' and it's key concept was causation.

After creating the key concept questions, we planned our field trip. At first we planned to go to the Jeju. We calculated the time of transport and we discussed about is it worthful. Some wanted to go to Seoul, but we thought it was too though for us to go that far so we just decided to visit Jeju government.

Under the research skills, I decided what I need to search (look) at in the order to understand my key concept and I took a notes for it.
Under the research skills, I made my questions conceptual, factual and provocatively.

2015년 3월 9일 월요일

Making Poster!!

Today, we made our poster about 'Gender Inequality' and we decided our central idea with Ms.Ferra. We finished writhing the tittle with decoration and our group name 'Girls N Boys'. Then, we wrote our Team essential agreements on the pink paper and sticked on the poster. Actually, we made a mistake on the central idea. We thought we should stick our individual central ideas, but it was not so we took them off from the poster and we made final central idea. It was...
'Inequality affects how people develop.'
We wrote it in a big paper to hide the mistake and we sticked our pictures that we got them from internet. We considered where to put the pictures.

In the music class, we drew compass and we wrote our worrisome, things that we have to know, excitement and things that we can move forward. It was easy to write worrisome but it was hard to write things that we can move forward. It was great time to know ourselves more correctly.

Under the research skill, I thought about what I need to do and what we need to do so how we are going to do it during we were making our poster. Under the self-management skill, I used my time sensibly, so that we get our poster work done on time. I thought about what it is important for us to do first and spend the most time of it.


2015년 3월 8일 일요일

Central ideas and Meeting with Ms.Tilney

On March 6th, our group wrote central ideas of 'Gender inequality' on the padlet. Everyone wrote about their topics and there were 'Terrorism', 'Nuclear weapons/energy', 'Conflicts around the world', 'Human rights' and 'Gender inequality'. For example of central idea, in our group, there was 'Even though boys and girls are different, they have rights to treated equal.'. I think the best 2 central idea in our group are..
1. Boys and Girls are equal so we need to stop discriminating each other.
2. We have to change perspective of gender and we have to show the action that gender is equal so they can be treated equally.

Next, we chose purple for our poster colour and we start working on the poster but unfortunately, we didn't even finish our tittle.

Also, in the Language class, we researched about our topic, Gender Inequality' in the google doc with my group.

 After these, our group, Yejin, Yoona, Tianruo and myself had a meeting with our mentor, Ms.Tilney. Before we had a meeting, we completed writing the week , date and where are we up to on the Exhibition notebook. Our meeting was after P.E. but we were late for couple minutes so we apologised about it. We were really nervous and afraid because we thought that she would scold to us, but Ms.Tilney gave us a big smile and said it's okay. We talked about what we've done and is it going straight. It was a great pleasure to have a meeting with her and we decided to meet her again on Wednesday.

Under the Social skills, I thought how I can work well with others so that we can make poster more faster and better. everyone respected each others' opinions and we didn't take over or make decisions for others. Under the Social skills, when we had an argument of designing the poster, I tried to find the solution to stop the argument.

2015년 3월 5일 목요일

Making a mind-map

Today, we wrote about Poverty on the Ms. Ferra's padlet and I wrote these central ideas on the padlet.

The padlet

-Poverty forcefully take away their opportunities and rights of human.
-Poverty make people segregated and left out from the society.
-Poverty traps people routine their painful life. 
-Poverty leads people to the death and let them suffer.
-Poverty influence people's harsh life and harm their mental and physical difficultly.

-People can't change the cycle of the poverty and some people don't know the out world so they just satisfied about their life even though they are in the unacceptable situation.
-Poverty impacts them feel stressful and also hopeless about themselves.
-Poverty make people ignore by someone and make them loose lots of things.

After writing central ideas, each group made a mind-map about their topics. Our group was 'Gender Inequality' so we drew a mind-map about it. First, we drew the topic, gender inequality middle of the paper and we wrote examples of the gender inequality. For example, we wrote 'discrimination between girls and boys' and also we drew a line and connected to the topic. Then, we drew a lots of lines to connect the examples which are related to each other. And, everyone sticked them to the wall so everybody can see them. Each of them had a good job and their ideas were magnificent. Under the research skills, I group together information which we searched on the internet and we decide which would fit to our mind-map. Under the social skills, we did different jobs such as searching, writhing and thinking about what will be connect.

2015년 3월 4일 수요일

Mentor and Central Ideas

Today, We met our mentor, Ms.Tilney in her office at 9:00 AM and we were little bit awkward at first, but  we became close each other soon. Because our meeting were faster than the exhibition lecture, Ms. Tilney taught us what is Central Idea and also she asked lots of questions and reviewed key concepts. Also, she taught us what's action and sustainability means. When meeting was over, we decided when will we meet. It was really hard to decide because Ms.Tilney had so many meeting that we were not able to meet her on this week, but we made it! After the meeting was over, we went back to our classroom and then we learned about Central Ideas. We wrote what the central idea is and we made a mind-map on the big poster about Poverty. In the fact of the central idea, there were 'States that we are responsibility in these issues.' and 'You have to prove what the sentence say. (inquiry) ' Under the thinking skills, I asked many questions bravery to Ms.Tilney so in the result, I find out a lots of new things. Under the communication skills, I used my kind of body languages and careful not to use offensive body language while I was communicating with Ms.Tilney.

2015년 3월 3일 화요일

Group work

Today, the first thing we did was writing about team essential agreements on our own. After writing on ourselves, we got into our group and chose the best ten agreements with our groups. We got pieces of the puzzles and matched each puzzles. Then we wrote our names not to be mixed up and we wrote our weaknesses and strengths on the puzzles. Also, we helped each other letting them know what are their weaknesses and strengths. For example, I wrote 'share well' on my weaknesses and 'poor handwriting' on my strengths. We also decided our group name 'Girls N Boys' because because everyone in this group has 'N' in our names and our topic is Gender Inequality so we included girls and boys in the name. At last, we sketched our poster and chose the colour of the poster. Under the social skills, I listened to everyone's opinion when we decided the best ten team essential agreements. I accepted that the group decision may not be the one I wanted and I understood that groups need to stick to their collective decision to work well.

2015년 3월 2일 월요일

Discovering Groups and Key Concept

Today, we wrote the key concept question at the post paper and we sticked to the posters which were divided to 8 different key concept. Then, we wrote the answers of the question that we sticked couple of days ago. I was partner with Umi and I discussed with her about the answers of the question. After all of these things, we discovered who are the group members and the mentor.  Everyone were really concerned of this so everybody screamed and worried about it. Finally, I discovered that my group members were Yejin, Yoona and Tianruo and our topic was 'Gender Inequality'. Also, our mentor was Ms.Tilney who is Junior School principle. We emailed to Ms.Tilney to thank her to volunteer. Actually, we worried about it because we thought Ms.Tilney could be kind of scary, but when we saw her at the assembly today, we were concern that she is nice. Under the Self-Management Skills, I controlled my body to write neat hand writing and to stay good participation. Under the Self-Management Skills, I acted appropriately at all times and I respected other peoples' feelings and situations while I was meeting with my group members and also my partner.

2015년 3월 1일 일요일

Key Concepts [also Circling the sentences]

On February 30th, we learned about key concepts and wrote questions about them. We also circled the sentences that we sticked on the different side on the poster last time. First, we divide the colour of the personal, local and global then we circled the sentences that applies. There were lots of things that were circled and some was not circled which were hard things to decide. We tried our best to figure it out with our partner, but we also made some mistakes, too.  In the key concepts there were Form. Change, Responsibility, Perspective, Function, Causation, Connection and Reflection. For examples, in Connection, there was 'What happens to the world because of this?' and there was 'Who is the responsibility for the garbage that the bird ate?' in the Responsibility. I wrote 'What kind of trash the bird ate?' in the form concept. Under the Research skills, I wrote down example questions of the key concepts and in other word, I kind of record it. Under the Self-Management skills, I make sure I have the example questions to work on my blog entry and I wrote them down under the 8 PYP Concept to keep things tidy and find quickly.

2015년 2월 25일 수요일

What's the issue?

Today, we went to the student center and made groups with two pairs each. I was group with Youngchae, Angelena and Seoyoung to discuss about what the issue is. As we always do, we did 'think, pair, share'. In other word, first we did it ourselves , second we made a pair and shared our opinion about what the issue is and at last we made a group with two groups in it and made a final definition. The definition by our group was 'An issue should be important and attractive problem to lots of people and it could be global problem, but sometimes local and personal.' and also we wrote what's not the issue. Next, we wrote some examples of global, local and personal issues are. For examples, as a personal, there was Poverty , as a local, there was Nuclear power and as a global, there was a Pollution like global warming.Also, we did our 'On the day' activity and wrote what is the problems of the issue are. Under the thinking skills, I erased  the On the day activity's issues when I'm not certain about them and I searched about the issue to make sure that I understand the things I found. Under the research skills, I had to erase the issues that I have found so I used the collecting data skill to find useful information in different places so I searched every single links in the doc that Mr.Scarrot  sent me and I searched on internet, too.


2015년 2월 24일 화요일

Blogger Entry

Today after lunch, we had a time to entry each of our blog but first we made pairs and made 'plus and delta' to our own partner. Bomi and I were partners so I gave her that what she has done well and the things that Bomi needs and also she gave it me, too.

The First thing that we've done was entering grade 6 blog and then we clicked other peoples' blogs and visited them. There were a lot of blogs with different things so I was excited to read each of them.
Our Grade 6 Exhibition blog

Second, we read the writings from others' blogs.(For example, Bomi's)
Each writings were magnificent and their medias were brilliant!

Bomi's blog writing

After all of these, we commented their writings and we respected others while we were writing our commenting because the blogs are able to see it by everyone and also we could make them upset.
During commenting, I felt their passions of writings and I was glad to comment.

comment on Selim's blog

Under the communication skills, I read each of the writings and tried to improve my reading skills.
Under the social skills, I tried not to make the writer feel bad about my comment and I wanted the writer to be happy  with my comments so I thought before I comment twice.