2015년 3월 15일 일요일

Meeting with Ms.Tilney, Field trip and others

The notes of meeting
On Friday, we finally finished writhing our field trip sheet and we hand it over to Ms.Ferra. Also, we researched by watching videos from youtube and I wrote the informations of them in the booklet.
After we finished writing the sheet and researched about gender inequality,
it was time for the meeting time so we ran to school center and wrote the informations that we have to finish before the meeting. In the meeting, we took a look of lines of inquiry and we corrected the statement which we changed incorrectly the questions to statement. Also, we identify the way forward so we researched of each lines. When the meeting was over, we decided the next meeting date and time and we came back to our classroom. Next period was language so we head off to the language class and greeted Mr.Lee. That day was presenting day which means the day that we presented our doc about informations of gender inequality and the two case of gender inequality. Everyones' informations were great and specific so it made us really nervous.

Under the thinking skills, I used lots of different kinds of informations from different sources to help me to know more informations about gender inequality. 
Under the research skills, I choose the best ways to present my research in the language period and also finding to my audience.

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