2015년 4월 10일 금요일

THE FINAL DAY OF EXHIBITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, today was the day which was the final day of the exhibition, and most of the parents came visit Branksome Hall Asia to see us presenting. Everyone were waiting with full of expectations and we went to the library to present our shadow dance video and us singing 'Read all about it'. Then, each of us said our own question about our topic and head off to the library. Because we were in second row, we rest for twenty minutes and went back to our area. With nervous feeling, we set up the area for 10 minutes and  we began. I was the person who began so it was such an awkward to me. My greeting voice echoed around the area 4 and I gave the microphone to Tianruo so she could continue the news. The news flowed naturally and we finished it after the question time. Then, we had the browse time which we have little concert. KIS boys and girls came and got their seat for the concert and everybody did. Everyone presented their music pieces and at last we presented our music piece on live. I think we did pretty bad because we didn't even get the beat right. After the browse time, everyone began our korean presentation. We not to tried make the left over time so we tried to say really slow, but fortunately Tianruo did her presentation really well and long so we completely ended up our exhibition. But! For the third graders, we performed our english presentation again. We did more fluently on the second time and we had left over candies so we gave the people who were corrected on the question time. Finally, we let down the curtain of the exhibition........

Under the communication skill, I shared my ideas and learning with others in a clear, easy to understand and appropriate manner. 

댓글 3개:

  1. I love the way you put good media that shows what you did for exhibition but, I think if you fix your grammar mistakes a little bit, it will be absolutely perfect blog! Great Job! and great effort!

  2. I think that you should start fixing up your grammar mistakes. I love the fact that your blog is very detailed. Great work!!!:-) Keep working!!!!!!

  3. Differently from you, I did my presentation right away after our singing. Also, I agree about the nervous feeling before the presentation. I think you need to fix some grammar mistakes. I like the way that you wrote you post detaily, so I could imagine how it looked like there. I also what to ask you about how did you feel after our presentation day and how do you think about the process till now. Did you felt proud of you or anything else?
