2015년 3월 25일 수요일

Meeting with Ms.Tilney, Music project and others

Today, we had meeting with Ms.Tilney at 9:00 AM in her office. Because she was busy with her meeting, we waited couple minutes and we met her. In the meeting, we  told her what we have done such as brainstorm possible modes of expression and essay and she asked us are we on the right track so we answered brightly "Yes!". Also, she asked lots of questions about the exhibition and she gave us the example of the action that we could take, too. When we came back to our class, we watched a video named 'follow the frog' which was about the guy taking actions without thinking to save rainforest. As a result, he loose his job and family so this video tells us never take actions before we think it's a worth thing and also ask why. Then we wrote direct actions, indirect actions and advocacy for gender inequality in big poster and we gave suggestions for other group after we read their poster. When we were finished, we worked on our essays and Ms.Ghegin checked our essays one by one. Most of us were working really hard because we had to finish them until friday. After writing the essay, we chose the actions that we will going to take and they were 'make some interesting posters of gender inequality', make a video of gender inequality' and 'petition related to gender inequality. In music class, we recorded the music that we sang with 'the show karaoke'. We changed the lyrics of the song which presents the little girl experiencing gender inequality. 

Under the self-management skill, I used my time sensibly, so that I get my work done on time. I think about what it is important for me to do first and spend the most time on it.

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