2015년 3월 5일 목요일

Making a mind-map

Today, we wrote about Poverty on the Ms. Ferra's padlet and I wrote these central ideas on the padlet.

The padlet

-Poverty forcefully take away their opportunities and rights of human.
-Poverty make people segregated and left out from the society.
-Poverty traps people routine their painful life. 
-Poverty leads people to the death and let them suffer.
-Poverty influence people's harsh life and harm their mental and physical difficultly.

-People can't change the cycle of the poverty and some people don't know the out world so they just satisfied about their life even though they are in the unacceptable situation.
-Poverty impacts them feel stressful and also hopeless about themselves.
-Poverty make people ignore by someone and make them loose lots of things.

After writing central ideas, each group made a mind-map about their topics. Our group was 'Gender Inequality' so we drew a mind-map about it. First, we drew the topic, gender inequality middle of the paper and we wrote examples of the gender inequality. For example, we wrote 'discrimination between girls and boys' and also we drew a line and connected to the topic. Then, we drew a lots of lines to connect the examples which are related to each other. And, everyone sticked them to the wall so everybody can see them. Each of them had a good job and their ideas were magnificent. Under the research skills, I group together information which we searched on the internet and we decide which would fit to our mind-map. Under the social skills, we did different jobs such as searching, writhing and thinking about what will be connect.

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