2015년 3월 3일 화요일

Group work

Today, the first thing we did was writing about team essential agreements on our own. After writing on ourselves, we got into our group and chose the best ten agreements with our groups. We got pieces of the puzzles and matched each puzzles. Then we wrote our names not to be mixed up and we wrote our weaknesses and strengths on the puzzles. Also, we helped each other letting them know what are their weaknesses and strengths. For example, I wrote 'share well' on my weaknesses and 'poor handwriting' on my strengths. We also decided our group name 'Girls N Boys' because because everyone in this group has 'N' in our names and our topic is Gender Inequality so we included girls and boys in the name. At last, we sketched our poster and chose the colour of the poster. Under the social skills, I listened to everyone's opinion when we decided the best ten team essential agreements. I accepted that the group decision may not be the one I wanted and I understood that groups need to stick to their collective decision to work well.

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