2015년 3월 12일 목요일

Research questions, Planning field trip and others

The research about the question
Today, we researched about our questions with Ms.Ghegin.We searched in website and we got the answer of the question and wrote the information on the exhibition booklet. Also, we wrote URL of the website. 
My question was 'What is gender equality?' and I wrote the answer from the 'www.genderequality.ie.GE/Pages/WhatisGE'.
We finally decided where would we go for 'field trip and it was 'Women Recourses Development center'. We called to the center, we asked to the center that could we visit the center and ask some question about the gender inequality. They accept our request and we decided to visit them at Thursday.

The popplet of 'Andy Goldworthy'
At the art class, we sign in to the Popplet and we wrote about 'Andy Goldworthy, Soo Sunny Park and Ai Wei Wei'. Each topics, we watched video of it and we wrote what have we seen, thought and wondered about it. As an example, I wrote 'I wonder why he made them.' on Andy Goldworthy popplet and I connected with wonder box. Each of them was particular and marvellous.

Under the communicating skills, I viewed at the each video of artworks and thought about what are they trying to teach me and also I looked closely to the video so I won't skip something very important.
Under the thinking skills, I used the information of gender inequality which I find out from the internet in the research and I summarised it so I won't be confused. 

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