Creating key concept questions and Planning the field trip
Today, we got in our exhibition group first and we got an individual sheet which we have to write questions of each key concept about our 'Gender inequality'. We got out of the classroom and got ideas from checking the key concept questions that we created at the school center. After we wrote as much as we can wrote about it, we chose the best three questions and wrote them in to a bigger version of sheet. Each of them had brilliant ideas and we enjoyed to read each of them. Then, we organised our own three question into the exhibition booklet table. In my question, there was 'What caused gender to be the way like this?' and it's key concept was causation.
After creating the key concept questions, we planned our field trip. At first we planned to go to the Jeju. We calculated the time of transport and we discussed about is it worthful. Some wanted to go to Seoul, but we thought it was too though for us to go that far so we just decided to visit Jeju government.
Under the research skills, I decided what I need to search (look) at in the order to understand my key concept and I took a notes for it.
Under the research skills, I made my questions conceptual, factual and provocatively.
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