2015년 4월 1일 수요일

Take an action and preparing for presentation and other

The part of the list of students who agree
Today, we prepared for the presentation by writing the scrip of the presentation. We finished and checked is it same as we planned. Also, we tried our best to get same mount of script and we printed out the final script. Then, we continued to take actions which was petitioning to the grade 1,2,3 and 4 because they don't check email easily so we decided to petition face to face. We petition as many as we can, but Yoona accidentally petitioned grade 6 and I accidentally didn't write the grade of the students that I petitioned so Yoona's couldn't work, but fortunately, I remembered some of their grades so we wrote them, too. For the video, we took a first short introduce video that Yoona and I were in. In the next part of the 
The part of the video that we took
video, we decided Tianruo and Yejin will be in the video. Also, we discussed about what will be in the video and what will be put in the video.
In the music period, we showed our project to Ms.Lau and she complemented us with advices. She said if we do solo parts it will be much better so we decided to divide the lyrics and sing their parts. We highlighted with different colour so we could know more easily where our own parts are.
Under the social skills, I listened to everyone's opinion when we decided who will be in the video and I accept that the group decision may not be the on e I wanted. Also, I understood that groups need to stick to their collective decision to work well. 

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