2015년 4월 5일 일요일

Finishing the action, preparing for the presentation and other

On the April 3rd, everyone finished the action for our exhibition. The actions that we finished were giving the result of the petition to Ms.Tilney who is charge of the junior school and finished the video about the action that we took. We gave her our result of the petition while we were having meeting with Ms.Tilney and we thanked her for the meeting. For the video, we filmed some parts and Tianruo who is good at editing the video, edited. And, she also uploaded on the youtube. For the presentation, first, we designed the display board to make it look nice and we put the poster, bull eye and the plan of the presentation. Also, we sticked the tittle of them on the display board. On the languages period, we made the scrip of the korean presentation. Every group except us presented their korean presentation scrip. Because we had the mentor meeting, we didn't presented our korean scrip.

Under the self-managment skills, while we were uploading the video on the youtube, we knew where we were in relation to others and the world around us. So, even though outside of the Branksome Hall Asia could watch the video.

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