2015년 3월 24일 화요일

The brainstorm possible modes of expressions, informative essay and others

The Molly the horse
Today, we learned about the actions which were direct action, indirect action, advocacy and research for action. We talked about each actions and we give examples of them. Then, we watched the videos, drew a bull eye again and we wrote 'what, why, solution and how' specifically. Also, we wrote what action did people do in the action. My video was about the horse which had three legs because it was attacked by a pit bull and the action that it's owner taken was direct action. 
The brainstorm possible modes of
After the bull eye activity, we brainstormed possible modes of expression on individually and together. First one, I wrote by myself and it was about making some interesting posters of gender inequality so people could know seriously. Second one, I finished with Yejin, Yoona and Tianruo and it was about explaining  to adults so they won't do the gender inequality to their family. Third one was about deserving same rights and opportunities to genders by demonstrating to the government. Excepting the first one, the others were direct actions and the first one was indirect action. After lunch, we learn about transitions and we wrote about the favourite sport using transition skills. When we were finished, we wrote reflections of our responses of questions. Then, Ms.Ghegin checked our reflections and we continued writing our essays.

Under the self-management skills, while I was brainstorming possible modes of expressions, I made decisions by thinking about the advantages and consequences.

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