2015년 3월 26일 목요일

Actions planning, Search model and others

The search model
Today, we finished the search model by finishing 'review', 'choice' and 'how'. In review, we wrote possible way and negative way for each actions. Then, we chose an action and wrote it down on to choice. At last, we wrote something similar to the action and is it successful on how. After the search model, we planned our action specifically and we decided to do a petition around BHA. Also, we decided to take a video of it and post it on youtube. We decided to take a video of why are we petitioning, the result of petition and etc. Then, we got checked by Ms.Ghegin after we fixed everything that she told us to fix. 
In languages class, we typed the essay that we wrote about exhibition and we made a powerpoint for presentation. Also, some tried to memorise their essay because when we present the essay about exhibition, we can't look at the notebook which has our essay.
In visual art, we decided to change the location of the project because Mr.Hammond told us it's only our weakness and we have to change it.
Last pypx period, we went to easy-bib and typed every single research URL in and search about it. Under the social skills, we decided to do different hobs in the group each time. We decided such as petition maker, petitioner and person who take video.

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