2015년 3월 22일 일요일

Meeting with Ms.Tilney, Finish research and others

On March 20th, we finally finished our 3rd question and we started on our 'Formative assessment task'. I finished my research by finding information on the website named 'findinternational. We heard the instruction how to wrote a response for each of my question and we head off to the library to meet Ms.Tilney.
In the library, Ms.Tilney and us shared the conversation about are we doing well, what have we done and what will we gonna do. Then, she taught us how could we find the book that is related to our topic, 'Gender inequality'. We looked for glossaries, chapters, headlines and also tittles. Also, she taught us how to find book super easily so we thanked her a lot for teaching us a lot of new things. We said her good bye and went back to our class.

Under the self-management skills, I used gross motor skill by jumping, stoping, turning and use my body effectively for find lots of books quickly, but I didn't run because I can interrupt people studying in the library.
Under the self-management skills, I make decision the key word of the book and the type of book by thinking about the advantages and consequences.

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