2015년 3월 18일 수요일

Meeting with Ms.Tilney, sharing the research and others

Today, in the language class, we finished our Korean essay so we took a video of us presenting the essay. After the language class, we went off to Ms.Tilney's office and met Ms.Tilney. We explained her what we have done before and we showed her the researches that we have done. She complimented us and we told everything about our field trip. She told us that we could meet the 12th grade student who are going to study about the gender in the university. Also, we decided to meet at library in the meeting time so we could research by books and after we finished writhing the mentor notes, we went back to our classroom. The next PYPX class, we shared our researches and wrote the thoughts that we agree and disagree down on the big paper.
In Ms.Lau's class, we looked at the bull eye sheet that we did last time and we completed our own artistic intent for each subject which are Music and Visual art.

Under the thinking skills, I checked and understand exhibition assessment rubric to understand how I learned my best and to think about missing effort. Also, we can check how we learn best by thinking what we have done in the future.

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