2015년 4월 6일 월요일

Assembly, display board and others

Our group working on exhibition
Today, we tried to finish the display board so we worked really hard on it, but before we worked on it, we went to the PAC to practice the assembly. We learned how to come up to the stage and how to come down and we rehearsed our short presentation for assembly. After the practice, we went back to our classroom and we continued working our display board. We printed the images of key concepts, our group photos and lots of other things. Also, Tianruo made barcodes for our blogs so audience could scan the barcodes and access to our blog easily. We decorated the display board to look it nicely and we tried to make it colourful so it can take people's attention.
In the music period, we practiced the song for the due day and we made the paragraph to include it on the script. 
In the languages period, two groups presented their korean presentation and they tried to make 15 minutes for the presentation. They were so good and specific.
At assembly, each of the exhibition groups presented their short presentation at the PAC. All of us were really nervous, but everyone did really great. Some groups including our group, presented the music project. For us, we sang the song 'My little story' which we changed the lyrics of the song named 'The show'. We did our best for it.

Under the social skills, I thought before I do something and I accept the consequences of things that I say or do to prevent the conflicts. I asked everyones opinion and accepted responsibilities. 

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