2015년 4월 2일 목요일

Visual art, prepare for presentation and others

Today, we went to the visual art with rocks that we picked under the bridge and the plan of the project. In the class, we coloured the rock half pink and blue to represent girls and boys and we also swiped with watered brush to make it more smooth. Eventually, we finished painting all over the rock and we dried with hair-dryer. Then, we drew the mark that means girls and boys with white washable crayon and we finally finished the work. 
In the languages class, we talked what will we put on the script so we added some more to the script and we knew the things that we have to put.
In the PYPX class, Ms.Ghegin showed when will we present and where will we present and we fixed the script.

Under the social skill, when we were making the art project, we thought about how we can work well with others so that we all reach our goals and we didn't try and take over or make decisions for others

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