The notes for interview |
Today, before we go to the field trip, we met Mr.Scarrott to listen the way how to behave to others and then we went off to the field trip. It took about hour to get to the YWCA center and we were really nervous, but we bravely went into the center. When we get into the center, everyone greeted us and gave us a big smile. After the center boss saw us, she turn into a pokerface and told us she is not a expert. Fortunately, she told us where could we go for the interview and it was 'Women and family institute, Jeju'. We were allow to go there, but she had a meeting so we had to wait for half an hour. We decided to eat snacks such as ice creams and chocolates at the super market. After we ate deliciously, we went to the center and wait for the gender impact analysis assessment business center manager in the lobby. She was really kind and she gave us a lot of informations about each questions. The meeting was about 15 minutes and after the meeting we ate cold noodle for lunch.
Under the self-management skills, I knew where I am in relation to others and the world around me while I was in the interview.
Under the self-management skills, I act in a safe manner for myself and others at all time when I was outside of the school.
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