2015년 3월 23일 월요일

Finish responding for questions, search model and others

The bull eye that we wrote
Today, we made bull eyes and wrote about our topic, gender inequality. We wrote lots of information involving our researches to get some ideas. We wrote them specifically so it was really hard. After the bull eye activity, we wrote the problem of the gender inequality on the search model's 'S' and then we wrote how do we feel on 'E'.
In the next PYPx class, we finished writing our response for each of our questions by checking by other group. I checked Inhye's responses and she checked my responses. Then, we talked about the question again to make sure that we understand of the questions. After we finished the responses, we decided what essay we would write and we wrote the thesis statement of the essay. I chose informative essay for my essay and I started writing introduction.
In music class, we decided what will we gonna make for the art project so we decided to change a lyric's of the song named, 'The show' and make a song. It was really fun to change the lyrics of the song which is related to the gender inequality.  

Under the self-management skill, while I was making the lyrics of the song, I didn't only participated on the song and I respected my body and mind for creative song. Also, I made sure I am balanced so I could write the song more easily and emotionally.

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