2015년 3월 11일 수요일

Meeting Ms.Tileny and Research questions and others

My note about our meeting
Today, we visited Ms.Tilney's office at 9 o'clock and she greeted us with her smile.We explain what did we learned such as Central idea and creating the key concept questions and we showed her our exhibition booklet to show her that we understood the things that we learned. Then, we reviewed our own three chosen questions and we discussed how could we change them correctly. Also, we discussed about different point of views and we learn
that the lines of inquiry is connected to central ideas and the key concepts. When our meeting was over, we decided to meet at friday again and said thank you to Ms.Tilney.

My Exhibition booklet cover
After meeting over, we came back to our classroom and Ms.Ferra checked our research questions which we fixed with Ms.Tilney correctly.Then, we wrote our group members, central idea and key concepts neatly on the cover.
Also, we had a pypx class after lunch and sadly, Ms.Ferra was sick so Ms.Ghegin taught us. The first thing we did was changing our research questions to statement. Like......
1. What gender inequality is
2.What some inequality caused between genders
3.What people think of gender inequality
Next, we wrote one question in page 22 and wrote what we already know so I wrote the first question and wrote about the informations of gender inequality. Also, we researched a little, too.
The doc that we made

At Korean class, we researched more about the gender inequality in Korean. According to Mr.Lee, we will present the doc about the gender inequality to our exhibition class.

At Music class, we learn how to make music in the garageband and the skills that Ms.Lau were super cool.

Under the thinking skills, I decided whether the information that I have found is useful for my question.
Under the research skills, I thought about what the information means for my question.

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