2015년 2월 24일 화요일

Blogger Entry

Today after lunch, we had a time to entry each of our blog but first we made pairs and made 'plus and delta' to our own partner. Bomi and I were partners so I gave her that what she has done well and the things that Bomi needs and also she gave it me, too.

The First thing that we've done was entering grade 6 blog and then we clicked other peoples' blogs and visited them. There were a lot of blogs with different things so I was excited to read each of them.
Our Grade 6 Exhibition blog

Second, we read the writings from others' blogs.(For example, Bomi's)
Each writings were magnificent and their medias were brilliant!

Bomi's blog writing

After all of these, we commented their writings and we respected others while we were writing our commenting because the blogs are able to see it by everyone and also we could make them upset.
During commenting, I felt their passions of writings and I was glad to comment.

comment on Selim's blog

Under the communication skills, I read each of the writings and tried to improve my reading skills.
Under the social skills, I tried not to make the writer feel bad about my comment and I wanted the writer to be happy  with my comments so I thought before I comment twice.

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