2015년 4월 7일 화요일


The place that we present in the library
Today, we worked most of the time for our presentation. First, we completely finished the display board and then we went straight to the library to prepare. We went to the place where we will present and divided the place with the animal welfare group who is sharing the place with us. We decided where to put the display board, poster and other things such as desks and television. We putted speakers and logos and lots of stuffs that would help us presenting. We rehearsed lots of times and saw such a wonderful jobs of other groups. After the recess, we went to the language class. In the language class, we presented our korean presentation and we watched the time by stopwatch. Time was successful. After the language, we went back to the library and practiced all together the presentation with technology. Also, we combined the korean and Chinese presentation to see does is there enough time for present. Actually, it was shorter than we thought so we decided to add some more details on the script.

Under the self-management skills, I made sure I have the things I need to work or play all the time. Also, I knew where my stuff is, I kept things tidy and easy to find quickly.

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