2015년 3월 8일 일요일

Central ideas and Meeting with Ms.Tilney

On March 6th, our group wrote central ideas of 'Gender inequality' on the padlet. Everyone wrote about their topics and there were 'Terrorism', 'Nuclear weapons/energy', 'Conflicts around the world', 'Human rights' and 'Gender inequality'. For example of central idea, in our group, there was 'Even though boys and girls are different, they have rights to treated equal.'. I think the best 2 central idea in our group are..
1. Boys and Girls are equal so we need to stop discriminating each other.
2. We have to change perspective of gender and we have to show the action that gender is equal so they can be treated equally.

Next, we chose purple for our poster colour and we start working on the poster but unfortunately, we didn't even finish our tittle.

Also, in the Language class, we researched about our topic, Gender Inequality' in the google doc with my group.

 After these, our group, Yejin, Yoona, Tianruo and myself had a meeting with our mentor, Ms.Tilney. Before we had a meeting, we completed writing the week , date and where are we up to on the Exhibition notebook. Our meeting was after P.E. but we were late for couple minutes so we apologised about it. We were really nervous and afraid because we thought that she would scold to us, but Ms.Tilney gave us a big smile and said it's okay. We talked about what we've done and is it going straight. It was a great pleasure to have a meeting with her and we decided to meet her again on Wednesday.

Under the Social skills, I thought how I can work well with others so that we can make poster more faster and better. everyone respected each others' opinions and we didn't take over or make decisions for others. Under the Social skills, when we had an argument of designing the poster, I tried to find the solution to stop the argument.

댓글 1개:

  1. Hi my name is Yoona lee. your blog summarise are very good. I like it the way you are doing better! Bye~~~
