2015년 3월 9일 월요일

Making Poster!!

Today, we made our poster about 'Gender Inequality' and we decided our central idea with Ms.Ferra. We finished writhing the tittle with decoration and our group name 'Girls N Boys'. Then, we wrote our Team essential agreements on the pink paper and sticked on the poster. Actually, we made a mistake on the central idea. We thought we should stick our individual central ideas, but it was not so we took them off from the poster and we made final central idea. It was...
'Inequality affects how people develop.'
We wrote it in a big paper to hide the mistake and we sticked our pictures that we got them from internet. We considered where to put the pictures.

In the music class, we drew compass and we wrote our worrisome, things that we have to know, excitement and things that we can move forward. It was easy to write worrisome but it was hard to write things that we can move forward. It was great time to know ourselves more correctly.

Under the research skill, I thought about what I need to do and what we need to do so how we are going to do it during we were making our poster. Under the self-management skill, I used my time sensibly, so that we get our poster work done on time. I thought about what it is important for us to do first and spend the most time of it.


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