Exhibition rehearsal!
The part of the script |
Today, we went library early and rehearsed front of the 7 graders and 5 grader. We did both presentations of the mother tongue and english. Mr.Scarrott made sure that we filmed us presenting so by watching the video after, we could know how did we do. We were so nervous that we couldn't even stay calm. Because we were second shot, we ate snacks and wait our turn to present. We tried to present nice and clear with loud voice, but it was really difficult because there were lots of noises around and we were so nervous.Bravely, we started our presentation. We sang the music project that we wrote and we showed the art project by putting front of the desk that we use. At first, grade 5 and some teachers watched our presentation so we weren't that embraced, but as grade 7 came we went so embraced and nervous so we couldn't even concrete. When we were finished, 5 minutes were left over, so we were frustrated, but we just introduce our process and our display things. On our korean presentation, we had only one audience which was Felisha, so we did calmly. After we finished the whole presentation, we went back to the classroom and saw the reflection of different graders. Also, we wrote what was difficult and other informations about presentation.
Under the social skills, I listen to everyone's opinion when making a group decision and I accept that the group decision may not be the one I wanted. Also, I understand that groups need to stick to collective decision to work well.
Hi Eun Jung, I like how you reflected on the Transdisciplinary skills very specifically and thoughtfully. However, I suggest you checking your spellings next time. You typed 'concrete' instead of 'concentrate.' Anyway, I enjoyed reading your blog.