2015년 3월 19일 목요일

Research questions, Art and others

The result of survey
Today, we kept researching because we have to finish the
research until this week. I went to the library to finish the
2nd question and I found a book named, 'Gender danger' which
is related to gender inequality. I also surveyed to exhibition 6VF class by asking them how do they think and feel about gender inequality. Everyone that I asked said it has to stop and it's a big problem in society.  

In the Art class, we made summited our artistic intent of visual art and we also sketched our art project, but we couldn't decide the project because there were so many ideas and argument about it.

The videos of other and myself presenting
In Mr.Lee's class, I finally record the video of the presentation. I took a video in the staircase because there were no place which was quiet enough to record. I stammered a lot so I was really nervous, but I didn't have much time so I just uploaded my first shot.

Under the thinking skills, while I was researching, I thought about the contradictions between pieces of information. Then, I chose the better information in the internet and I wrote the information under the booklet by summarising it.

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