2015년 3월 2일 월요일

Discovering Groups and Key Concept

Today, we wrote the key concept question at the post paper and we sticked to the posters which were divided to 8 different key concept. Then, we wrote the answers of the question that we sticked couple of days ago. I was partner with Umi and I discussed with her about the answers of the question. After all of these things, we discovered who are the group members and the mentor.  Everyone were really concerned of this so everybody screamed and worried about it. Finally, I discovered that my group members were Yejin, Yoona and Tianruo and our topic was 'Gender Inequality'. Also, our mentor was Ms.Tilney who is Junior School principle. We emailed to Ms.Tilney to thank her to volunteer. Actually, we worried about it because we thought Ms.Tilney could be kind of scary, but when we saw her at the assembly today, we were concern that she is nice. Under the Self-Management Skills, I controlled my body to write neat hand writing and to stay good participation. Under the Self-Management Skills, I acted appropriately at all times and I respected other peoples' feelings and situations while I was meeting with my group members and also my partner.

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