2015년 4월 10일 금요일

THE FINAL DAY OF EXHIBITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, today was the day which was the final day of the exhibition, and most of the parents came visit Branksome Hall Asia to see us presenting. Everyone were waiting with full of expectations and we went to the library to present our shadow dance video and us singing 'Read all about it'. Then, each of us said our own question about our topic and head off to the library. Because we were in second row, we rest for twenty minutes and went back to our area. With nervous feeling, we set up the area for 10 minutes and  we began. I was the person who began so it was such an awkward to me. My greeting voice echoed around the area 4 and I gave the microphone to Tianruo so she could continue the news. The news flowed naturally and we finished it after the question time. Then, we had the browse time which we have little concert. KIS boys and girls came and got their seat for the concert and everybody did. Everyone presented their music pieces and at last we presented our music piece on live. I think we did pretty bad because we didn't even get the beat right. After the browse time, everyone began our korean presentation. We not to tried make the left over time so we tried to say really slow, but fortunately Tianruo did her presentation really well and long so we completely ended up our exhibition. But! For the third graders, we performed our english presentation again. We did more fluently on the second time and we had left over candies so we gave the people who were corrected on the question time. Finally, we let down the curtain of the exhibition........

Under the communication skill, I shared my ideas and learning with others in a clear, easy to understand and appropriate manner. 

2015년 4월 9일 목요일

1day left for the DUE DAY!!!!!

Today was the day that was one day left for the exhibition due day and it was also grade 5 exhibition day so we went to the library to watch them. We got the sheet which we can write feedback for grade 5 and we wrote them responsibly. We could feel their nervous while we were listening to their presentation so we gave big smiles and huge applause for them. We learned lots of things such as the things that get most attention so we could improve by watching their presentation. After watching the grade 5 presentation, we went back to our classroom and worked on our presentation again. After the lunch, we went straight to the library and continued on working. We printed our our essays and put on the book prop so people could see them. We also made dance routine for our art project because Mr.Scarrott  suggested it and we thought it was really cool. We watched our shadow dance video which it will be shown while we are singing 'read all about it' and it was gorgeous.

Under the self-mangement skills, even though I was stressed and nervous about the exhibition, I respect my body and mind. And, I made sure that I am balanced.

2015년 4월 8일 수요일

Exhibition rehearsal!

The part of the script
Today, we went library early and rehearsed front of the 7 graders and 5 grader. We did both presentations of the mother tongue and english. Mr.Scarrott made sure that we filmed us presenting so by watching the video after, we could know how did we do. We were so nervous that we couldn't even stay calm. Because we were second shot, we ate snacks and wait our turn to present. We tried to present nice and clear with loud voice, but it was really difficult because there were lots of noises around and we were so nervous.Bravely, we started our presentation. We sang the music project that we wrote and we showed the art project by putting front of the desk that we use. At first, grade 5 and some teachers watched our presentation so we weren't that embraced, but as grade 7 came we went so embraced and nervous so we couldn't even concrete. When we were finished, 5 minutes were left over, so we were frustrated, but we just introduce our process and our display things. On our korean presentation, we had only one audience which was Felisha, so we did calmly. After we finished the whole presentation, we went back to the classroom and saw the reflection of different graders. Also, we wrote what was difficult and other informations about presentation.

Under the social skills, I listen to everyone's opinion when making a group decision and I accept that the group decision may not be the one I wanted. Also, I understand that groups need to stick to collective decision to work well.

2015년 4월 7일 화요일


The place that we present in the library
Today, we worked most of the time for our presentation. First, we completely finished the display board and then we went straight to the library to prepare. We went to the place where we will present and divided the place with the animal welfare group who is sharing the place with us. We decided where to put the display board, poster and other things such as desks and television. We putted speakers and logos and lots of stuffs that would help us presenting. We rehearsed lots of times and saw such a wonderful jobs of other groups. After the recess, we went to the language class. In the language class, we presented our korean presentation and we watched the time by stopwatch. Time was successful. After the language, we went back to the library and practiced all together the presentation with technology. Also, we combined the korean and Chinese presentation to see does is there enough time for present. Actually, it was shorter than we thought so we decided to add some more details on the script.

Under the self-management skills, I made sure I have the things I need to work or play all the time. Also, I knew where my stuff is, I kept things tidy and easy to find quickly.

2015년 4월 6일 월요일

Assembly, display board and others

Our group working on exhibition
Today, we tried to finish the display board so we worked really hard on it, but before we worked on it, we went to the PAC to practice the assembly. We learned how to come up to the stage and how to come down and we rehearsed our short presentation for assembly. After the practice, we went back to our classroom and we continued working our display board. We printed the images of key concepts, our group photos and lots of other things. Also, Tianruo made barcodes for our blogs so audience could scan the barcodes and access to our blog easily. We decorated the display board to look it nicely and we tried to make it colourful so it can take people's attention.
In the music period, we practiced the song for the due day and we made the paragraph to include it on the script. 
In the languages period, two groups presented their korean presentation and they tried to make 15 minutes for the presentation. They were so good and specific.
At assembly, each of the exhibition groups presented their short presentation at the PAC. All of us were really nervous, but everyone did really great. Some groups including our group, presented the music project. For us, we sang the song 'My little story' which we changed the lyrics of the song named 'The show'. We did our best for it.

Under the social skills, I thought before I do something and I accept the consequences of things that I say or do to prevent the conflicts. I asked everyones opinion and accepted responsibilities. 

2015년 4월 5일 일요일

Finishing the action, preparing for the presentation and other

On the April 3rd, everyone finished the action for our exhibition. The actions that we finished were giving the result of the petition to Ms.Tilney who is charge of the junior school and finished the video about the action that we took. We gave her our result of the petition while we were having meeting with Ms.Tilney and we thanked her for the meeting. For the video, we filmed some parts and Tianruo who is good at editing the video, edited. And, she also uploaded on the youtube. For the presentation, first, we designed the display board to make it look nice and we put the poster, bull eye and the plan of the presentation. Also, we sticked the tittle of them on the display board. On the languages period, we made the scrip of the korean presentation. Every group except us presented their korean presentation scrip. Because we had the mentor meeting, we didn't presented our korean scrip.

Under the self-managment skills, while we were uploading the video on the youtube, we knew where we were in relation to others and the world around us. So, even though outside of the Branksome Hall Asia could watch the video.

2015년 4월 2일 목요일

Visual art, prepare for presentation and others

Today, we went to the visual art with rocks that we picked under the bridge and the plan of the project. In the class, we coloured the rock half pink and blue to represent girls and boys and we also swiped with watered brush to make it more smooth. Eventually, we finished painting all over the rock and we dried with hair-dryer. Then, we drew the mark that means girls and boys with white washable crayon and we finally finished the work. 
In the languages class, we talked what will we put on the script so we added some more to the script and we knew the things that we have to put.
In the PYPX class, Ms.Ghegin showed when will we present and where will we present and we fixed the script.

Under the social skill, when we were making the art project, we thought about how we can work well with others so that we all reach our goals and we didn't try and take over or make decisions for others